About Us
Process lmprovements
In order to guarantee the quality of software products, CIS decided to setup its own "Quality Assurance System of Software Products" by adopting Capability Maturity Model(r) (CMM), and passed the CMM Lever 2 Assessment in Nov, 2001 and Level 3 in Nov, 2003 successively.

Starting from Jan., 2005, CIS determined to adopt ISO9001 standard to build company's "Quality Management System (QMS)", so as to enhance staff awareness of meeting customer needs and complying with national laws / regulations, clarify responsibilities among departments, coordinate processes among departments and improve quality of products/services, in the hope of becoming an outstanding enterprise with a perfect system through continuous improvement to adapt to ever-changing market environment. Canon Innovative Solution (Beijing) Co., Ltd. passed the LRQA (Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (ShangHai) Co., Ltd.) ISO9001:2000 certification audit on 13th June 2006, and passed the LRQA (Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (ShangHai) Co., Ltd.) ISO9001:2015 Transition Audit on the 13th June 2018. Canon Innovative Solution (Beijing) Co., Ltd. passed the SGS (SGS CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.) ISO9001:2015 certification audit on 13th June 2021.